BRANDINSIDER, Datenverarbeitung, Hamburg

Telefon:040 / 22758674
Straße:Fährhausstraße 11
Ort:Hamburg, Hamburg-Nord, Barmbek-Süd
BeschreibungIn many markets, labels with huge potential remain dormant, they are the so-called: "Sleeping Beauties". We plumb these branding reservoirs to turn them into well positioned, efficiently-led brands and turn them into the cornerstones of a successful corporate strategy. This applies for example to many products which are successful in Eastern and Central European or in Asian markets but not yet in the West. Our clients profit from our knowledge of and our experience in Western as much as Eastern markets. We offer extensive support for companies from Central and Eastern Europe looking for a successful market entry into Germany, Austria and Switzerland. We are culturally and professionally diverse so we guarantee the flexibility and knowledge to understand even the most complex needs of our clients and to turn their ideas into actual and integrated service offerings. Our success is founded on our understanding of different markets, Eastern and Western. CV Peter Littmann
KeywordsDatenverarbeitung, Hamburg


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